Ten mistakes with your jewelry

The ten mistakes not to make with your jewelry. Don’t wash the jewelry too much, remember where to put them and… There are things not to do. For example, miss the birthday of your partner, speak ill of your boss or send very long text messages . In fact there are many mistakes not to […]

Jewel or Bijoux? A complicated question

The difference between jewel and bijoux is a concept anomaly that separates, divides and defines, from a linguistic point of view as well as that of value, an ornament in precious materials -gems and metals – from a non-precious one. Ethymologically bijoux comes from French and means precious jewel where the non-precious ornament is referred […]

“Lume”, the lamp working and how to create Murano Glass beads

The processing of lamp working is a type of processing used to create small glass objects (glass beads, small animals) using a fixed directional flame to fuse the glass, while using glass processing tools and gravity to shape the piece. The principle of “lume” processing is that it allows to soften a glass barrel over […]

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